Hawaii Five-O: Blood Money Is Hard to Wash (1977)
Season 9, Episode 19
Another "McGarrett vs. The Mob" story, this one very poorly written.
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Other reviewers have already laid into this one. Let me just pose a lot of questions:

What happened to the football team? What happened to the nightclub? How can Chen be at the bottom of a hill hiding in a van with a video camera, but the film footage is close-up straight on video of the bad guy?

And McGarrett was shot at point blank in broad daylight, but later that same day he is all happy to see a "present" delivered to his office? And Dano just puts the thing on a shelf? When the bomb blows up, doesn't the Rescue Squad have a fire extinguisher? They don't seem to care that the building is going up in flames (but when the trash can at the hospital catches fire, the cops guarding McGarrett leave their posts and rush into the ladies room to put out that fire!).

When Dano is in the hospital, standing in the hallway, he hasn't washed his face or taken his gun off? And Duke has a cast on, but the medical staff didn't bother to cut off his burned and dirty clothing?

And how many episodes of H5-0 use that same "revolver with a silencer" (which is not scientifically possible)? Yes, as someone else pointed out in the goofs section, there is a crew member hiding behind the Women's Restroom door (freeze frame, you will see them).

And finally, how can the Bad Guy know what hospital and which floor McGarrett is on?

No, no, and no! This is a mess. 6 stars is being generous.
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