Fingers at the Window
3 December 2023
During a spree of axe murders in Chicago, Oliver (Lew Ayres) sees a sinister figure following Edwina (Laraine Day), and escorts her home. As he keeps watch, Oliver spots the man with an axe and tries to catch him to claim a reward. Oliver pieces things together while falling in love with Edwina and determines that the murders are all related. Going to the police, Oliver manages only to incriminate himself as the authorities don't buy into his theories.

From the beginning of the first reel high suspense, gritty, tense atmosphere is racked up with the camera lingering on the dark and shadowy streets of Chicago, which are deserted. We learn that the populace fears for its life - a serial axe murderer is on the loose. The feeing of dread is really well done.

Then things change a little as Lee Ayres - who looks a bit like Jack Lemmon - appears, helps Laraine Day, who is the axe murderer's next victim - by this time we know that someone is hypnotising someone to do the hacking - and keeps an eye out for the murderer. Things here switches to a light romantic veneer. Some would criticise this but I personally think it's a fine milieu of light and shade. Lee Ayres' chemistry with Laraine Day is appealing, Basil Rathbone is a scene stealer in a short role - its sort of Scooby-dooish, which I love, and quite enjoyable with some fine twist and turns and edge of the seat moments.
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