American Made (2017)
A Very "Amaericanized" Tale of a Fool that Helped Kill people North and South
6 December 2023
Every since movies like Carlitos way, Scar Face, and especially Blow, Hollywood has tried to get the fire burning again for a big drug/cartel type film. One that could generate millions with its awe inducing illusion that its about anything more than greedy minded, drug running bull mess. Sure there have been other movies in the same sub genre, but far too often the protagonists, just like in American Made, were just run of the mill people that didnt have to take part in such activities, they chose to, despite already living fairly easy going, normal, drama free lives.

But then you look at films like Empire, where the main characters are mostly people that grew up poor and had little other recourse than to get involved in drugs, as there was virtually zero upward mobility in their urban communities and lives all around.

Not to excuse what they did, but perspective is key in this life to really see the full picture of the "whys" and the "hows" of things.

The main character, Barry Seal(s), in American Made, was already living a very comfy, well paying career as a commercial airline pilot, with a family that was easily able to liveo n the good amount of money he brought in since they dwelt in the southern states in the 1970s ( ITs still affordable even to this day tbh). The man didnt need to get into al lthe mess he did, and there were times he could have pulled out. BUt he got greedy, and bored, and like many apathetic westerners that want it easy, they dont care whom they screw over in the process of "getting their own". And no doubt that predeliction for self centered devil may care pursuits of happiness are not wholly unique to us in the west, we cant lie to ourselves either. Our government and much of our society from top to bottom has either taken par in or been complacent in the sheer subjegation and torment of those not like ourselves, especially in Latin America over the last 200 years.

Suffice to say, this film does nothing to show the detrimental effects of what the drugs and arms, and overall amrican nosey busy body minded shenanigangs of our government have dont to people south of the border. Especially in central America, and ESPECIALLY in Nicaragua the scorched earth policies, and near genocidal attitudes used against those people was in many ways as bad if not at times worse than what the USA did in Vietnam.

Sure this was a somwhat entertaining movie, but it also told a story abotu the truth , much of it was in fact very true; the Sandinistas were not commies, were not involved with drugs and terrorism, the Contras and American soliers that were always invading were.

It almost felt like American Made was just trying to muddy the issue, while at other itmes desperately trying to show people the truth of what happened, without thedirectors and writers having men in black show up at their front doors at 2 in the morning as a result of this movies existence. Hollywood is as rife with lies and agendas most foul and dark as government and religion and banking etc.

If nothing else, have a good time watching a movie about nothing but drugs and nonsense. Its a Tome Cruise movie so thats most of what hes been involved in throughout his career. But take to heart the fact that the character of Barry Seal(s) was but one of countless money men, drug traffickers, gun smugglers, spies, liars, murderers, thugs, thieves, blood thirsty politicians and soldiers, and all around racist, jerky people to put it mildly, in America and certain central american countries that hated Nicaraguans, and tried to kill as many as possible while attempting to take over the country for "uncle sam" throughout most of the 20th century. All this crap didnt just begin in the 1970s or 80. It all goes back to when Taft was US PRez a few years before the first world war, and continued on and off almost every decade. And still the poor country of NIcaragua is has been messed with by America in the 21st century. So have a laugh, zone out at this Hollywood fable. And try to research the truth if your able. PE@ce.
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