Star Trek: Voyager: Emanations (1995)
Season 1, Episode 8
Kim is just a kid that is not able to discuss philosophical questions
9 December 2023
This episode starts with Chakotay, Torres and Kim beaming on an asteroid to investigate traces of a new element. Although they are on an asteroid it of course has breathable air and a cozy warm climate. Luckily M class planets and planetoids are very widespread in the Star Trek universe - this saves money because no EV suit props are needed. And it wouldn't be Star Trek if not 90% of all away missions and planetary explorations would be in a cave. Even Lower Decks made fun of this fact in one episode. The number of caves a Starfleet officer must have seen in his career must be enormous. "Did you visit the capital city of this newly discovered planet? What it this society like?". "We had no time visiting cities or talk to locals. We were busy scanning a cave with our tricorders".

This episode touches an interesting topic but could have been better executed. We encounter a new species that believes that they continue to live in their bodies after they died and reunite with their families and friends in a state of higher consciousness. Death to them is not feared. On the contrary, it is seen as the transition to their next life and some people actively seek to die if they are no longer happy with their lives or a burden to their loved ones.

Unfortunately ensign Kim was the wrong choice to lead this episode. Someone with more cultural and religious background like Chakotay would have been a better choice. An elaborate discussion about beliefs, the afterlife, existence in here and now, rebirth... would have made this episode more interesting. No word from Kim that our human culture has strong religious beliefs in something like a heaven and paradise. Or that some believe in rebirth, even as an animal. Kim and the whole episode stay flat in this regards. Janeway tries to save the mess with some more deeper thoughts. But still: Missed opportunities.
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