The Last Bus (2021)
13 December 2023
A slow moving storyline which seems to wander away from the main course frequently - perhaps the writer cleverly making it an allegory for the meandering nature of most bus routes? Probably not.

Unfortunately a bit of research beforehand wouldn't have gone amiss (even asked those who have done the actual journey). Instead, the lead character looks at a map with the route filled in, not a timetable in sight, and just a few notes. No idea how he gets from A to B; a bus turns up, he gets on. Where he gets off, nobody knows, and after 30 minutes of this drivel, nobody cares. It doesn't even appear that the film even bothered to use the real life locations at either end. The potential of filming some of the scenery on the journey ignored and instead, a lot of clichéd characters and situations, with a large accompaniment of woke.

Tedious and depressing, and I can only give it two stars: one for the great Timothy Spall who does his best with a dreadful script; and another star for helping out bus preservationists by hiring their vehicles.
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