Review of Che!

Che! (1969)
'Intentionally Noncommittal'
15 December 2023
When I saw the words 'intentionally noncommittal' linked with the name 'Che', it threw up a *lot* of red flags to me. How could anyone be 'intentionally noncommittal' about Ernesto 'Che' Guevara? He was a vile, violent, nasty homicidal maniac who had a God complex. He was responsible for a lot of death and destruction, and not just in Cuba. Also in Bolivia, where he met his deserved end. You can go and ask anyone who fled, or whose family fled, the Communist hellhole of Cuba created by Fidel and Raul Castro and 'Che' Guevara. They will give you an earful of the torture, death, and destruction perpetrated by that demonic trio. The idiot Michael Moore made a 'documentary' filled with lies about the healthcare system there. Search your web browser for pictures of the decrepit, rundown cars, houses, and streets where tourists aren't allowed (but some brave people have managed to smuggle some pictures out).
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