so many fails but heres main one
19 December 2023
Podcasters dont roll in the dough. A Podcaster will never pull in enough revenue on their own to afford to have their own office space. It's not a huge money-making endeavour, even with tons of listeners, sponsors, merch, etc. So who on gods green earth can afford an enormous multi room office space that is theirs alone? There are studios that rent out to podcasters per hour. The cost of leasing a building and or entire office space is only doable if said podcaster inherited the building from her rich grandmother like is the premise in most Hallmark movies. Or if they call it a radio station, like it really is.

I think the writers of this movie were trying to be hip and relevant just making the central theme a podcast cause its trending. This is bona-fide talk show radio station. Lots of other fails but this is the big one I had to point out. Because its glaring ly ignorant.
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