.. i cannot believe i waited 2 years for this
22 December 2023
Look, there's hundreds of reviews that explain this, probably better than mine. If you want more in-depth details about why KOTFM fails, read those.

My simplified review is, that this film has a very, VERY unlikable protagonist, a mediocre villain whose villainy is spelled out from the first dialogue, and yet in theory should remain a surprise, no interesting supporting characters, which leaves you only the script to watch the film for.

And the script is a bland "crime" .. uh .. documentary? Because it has none of the living beat, the sense of urgency that a crime film needs.

And the worst crime is that this film isn't just over 3 hours long, but it has a shockingly complete lack of visual talent. It's just SO UGLY to look at. At least The Revenant had *some* style, it was unique and maybe not to everyone's taste, but it did. Heavens Gate even looks and plays better than this.

Whatever Scorsese had all those many years ago, he's joined the list of filmmakers who have forgotten the basics of how to make a film.

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