The Philadelphia Experiment (2012 TV Movie)
A really really bad movie
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original film from the 80's and was pleased to see Michael Pare again when I came across this movie on a streaming service. Plus I was home sick with the flu and parked on the sofa so I thought how bad could it be? Pretty damn bad as it turned out and Michael Pare deserved so much better.

The basic plot was really absurd and made no sense at all. The cast was riddled with cartoon characters, the worst being the female fed who was supposed to be in charge. She was basically a full blown psychopath whos actions throughout the movie were absurd to the point of being comical. And she was played in a completely over-the-top manner by an actress I've never heard of. This woman killed people; civilians, her own troops, foreigners, willy nilly while completely ignoring the very people who could solve the problem for her, or killing them too. Her reasoning and motivation for pretty much everything she did made absolutely no sense, she was there just to chew up scenery and be the bad guy...and she did it so badly.

Unfortunately she was just the tip of the iceberg in this movie; the storyline made even less sense than anything she did with plot holes big enough to sail the ship in question right through. Said ship was supposed to show up every eight hours or so (don't recall exactly) but it makes two appearances within minutes of one another with no explanation for it. Actually you're never sure why it's there in the first place and how the fix they come up with is supposed to work. And the movies ends with a feel good scene that makes as little sense as the rest of the story. Good writing is hard.

The CGI was second rate as well, as was most of the cast; the acting was amateurish for the most part. Even Malcolm McDowell, who was only on screen for a few minutes, over-acted his part. I can only assume he needed the money for him to agree to a cameo in this piece of trash.

I really do wish Hollywood would stop remaking great old movies because for the most part they're terrible at it.
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