Still sick with that Disney disease
25 December 2023
This is yet another Disney type of show.

And by that I mean the same kinda uninspired stuff you expect post Avengers Endgame.

As it has been with Marvel shows post Endgame (with exception of WandaVision, Loki), this is just one big fat nothing burger written by ChatGPT.

It's another derivative plot that introduces nothing new except to pad up streaming catalogs. The story absolutely won't wow you cause it's written by ChatGPT. Let me take that back. ChatGPT would have written a better plot.

It really doesn't matter if you watch this or not. It's similar to those Saturday morning cartoon level of entertainment. You just put it on to distract your kids while you are doing the dishes.

The only question you'll have after watching this is "What if I have not wasted my time watching this?"
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