Review of Obi-Wan Kenobi

First Disney Wars production that I liked!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was very, very sceptical about this...

I have only watched Mando 3 seasons and was highly disappointed. The Space Cowboy soap opera wasn't feeling like Star Wars to me.

Disney Wars 7/8/9 were another huge failure.

But last week I was browsing YouTube and watched some fan Tribute to Darth Vader, very well done, where I saw a scene I've never seen before - Obi-Wan dueling Vader on some dusty planet. That got my attention and after short research I saw it's from the series about Kenobi.

Then I decided to give it a try, despite I was very sceptical.. Just wanted to see that dueling scene.

BUT... The story grabbed me very strong!! That was what I wanted to watch and was hoping to watch from Disney, not the nonsense sequels they've made!

I believe these Kenobi series (well at least season 1) are successful simply because the inclusion of Ewan McGregor for the role - his charisma gives a big boost for the production.

Leia and Luke as a kids - that was a good move!! Well played by the little girl, I liked her a lot! Sadly we didn't see much of young Luke, but I guess we will, in Season 2.

Another good move was the early Darth Vader! I absolutely applaud everything about his character and he made my day!!

The only disappointment were the villains, but we all know that Disney always portrays them as fools.

Another thing I didn't get, was why Reva went to kill Luke, instead of trying to continue hunting to kill Vader?

It made no sense to me. What was she hoping, that Vader will take her back, no matter she betrayed him and tried to kill him?? Ha ha.

Also it didn't make sense why she enjoys hunting and killing jedi, after her enemy was Darth Vader?? She could've get a better chance to kill him, but not in a duel... Foolish.

Also, how she survived after been grilled in the stomach by a lightsaber??

These minuses destroyed the perfection that this production could have.

But, despite everything, as I said above - this is the first Disney Wars creation that I liked. And I really liked it!! It brought me 40 years old good memories!

I hope S02 sticks to the original story line, as it did in S01.
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