What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?
27 December 2023
What If... returns for a second season. It delivers a Korg and Howard the Duck mash up that I would like to see more off.

It also has a more nuanced take on Nebula. More so than what was delivered in Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

This is a world where Blade Runner meets Highlander 2. A norish dark world where Nebula was selected by Nova Prime (Julianne Grossman) and enlisted in the Nova Corps.

The planet Xandar is encircled by a shield to stop an invasion but Xandar is falling into lawlessness.

Nova Prime sends Nebula on an off the books mission to break into a mainframe. However betrayal is not far behind.

The first series was uneven. This is a strong start, good animation and a lot of fun.
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