What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?
28 December 2023
Since the release of the first season, there hasn't been a lot of movement on getting the events here involved with the main storyline of the MCU. However, maybe it's time for me to realize that they're not going to really incorporate all of that, and going into the second season with that mentality will probably temper expectations and allow me to enjoy it, like I enjoyed the first season. The first season was very entertaining, so it's exciting to see if this holds up. The first episode is an obvious homage to "Blade Runner" and noir films in general, and it's actually pretty awesome.

It took a little time for the character of Nebula to really take off in this universe, but she has since become a very beloved figure in the MCU, and it's nice to see her get an episode that is primarily centered around her. The "Blade Runner"-inspired style really works well with the Xandarian surroundings, and it's great to see it get a bit of a cyberpunk twist with the technology that Nebula has got in her arsenal. The design of this world is still very beautiful, and it feels like the animation has actually gotten a bit better with some of the sets looking a bit more detailed, which made the world feel more gritty. It had a fun gallery of characters taken from across the MCU, but it never really felt like the show had an organic way to introduce them, with the exception of the characters involved with the Nova Corps. The additions of Howard the Duck, Korg and Miek, while being entertaining, felt a little misplaced, especially Korg and Miek. However, the big draw of the episode is its central mystery, and it's not nearly as interesting as the episode wants it to be. It's fascinating enough, but the episode's only big shock of a twist is kinda ruined because the episode telegraphs it coming from a mile away. With that said, the design and the character interactions, as well as the homage to noir films, is enough to make this a very entertaining episode and a good season premiere.

"What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?" is a great homage to classic noir films - especially "Blade Runner" - and its aesthetics matched the vibe flawlessly. But while some of the character interactions are great, some of the introductions are lacking, and the overall plot of the episode feels a little half-cooked given the episode's potential.
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