worst movie in cinematic history
31 December 2023
This is the movie that should enforce the development of a " DO NOT WATCH " list on the Internet.

I watched it with a group of 7 friends and i kid you not half of them left during the first 10 minutes of the movie. If i were to direct this movie i wouldn't offer it to a dog let alone to actual cinemas. It was a disgrace to my eyes, ears, wallet, time, and body watching that movie. The plot line is so bland and meaningless, the movie has no motivation behind it, it is so low budget i can probably do a better remake with an iphone and my living room. The setting is completely centered around a single place which revolves around a single character that converses with a new person every 5 minutes about things that do not build up on the events that happened before. The director or whoever came up with the idea of this pointless movie should pursue another job. I am surprised it got a rating on IMDb when there is nothing good about the movie. Remove it from cinemas before people start blinding their own selves. Worst movie in cinematic history, if the inventor of cameras had watched this he probably wouldn't have invented cameras.

Overall rating: -7.2/10.
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