Despite being utter nonsense it's very fun!
4 January 2024
I'm not into the Multiverse arc as when writers go down that route it means they can't think of anything creative or original within the confines of our own universe (which is already quite limitless).

So we get the Multiverse arc, with the usual doppelgängers of familiar characters in their copy-Earths. It all feels quite small, to be honest. We don't even get an original villain or particularly interesting new characters/species/worlds. Certainly nothing with any depth.

The plot is total nonsense. The motivations of the villain and the deus ex machinas are so blatantly contrived. Yet....

...yet despite these significant issues the movie-experience succeeds in being entertaining & fun. It's a horror-lite action piece, like if Evil Dead had a PG-certificate. I wish the producers allowed an actual 18-rated fantasy-horror, or at least 15. The PG-rated stuff we do get however is very well made, there's a bunch of fantastic imagery, exciting pacing, and Liz Olsen - despite her character's questionable motivations, and physically petite frame - manages a magnetic threatening screen presence. Very stylish rather than scary, mind. Shades of Terminator, Apocalypse from X-Men, and even Carrie through to Ultimecia, combine to make a memorable villain. A shame that the plot-resolution is a cheap unimaginative comedown after all that build-up.

Also fine work from the rest of the cast. They all manage to sell us this frankly ridiculous story.

Despite the 8/10, it does feel like the MCU quality is on an inconsistent downward trend from the strong stuff we got in Phases 2 & 3. From Phase 4 I've only watched Shang-Chi (good) & Spider-Man 3 (meh) so far. Not bothering with any more Marvel except Guardians 3. It's been a mostly fun ride since starting with Iron Man 1 back in November, and has been rewarded with a very rare 10/10 in Infinity War. So overall the Infinity Saga is well worth watching in full. The Multiverse Saga? Not really feeling it. And judging by reviews very few of these movies are worth checking out as standalones. Doctor Strange 2 however is highly-recommended for fans of the first one, tho' turn brain off to enjoy more :)

Let's see if Guardians 3 will be a quality farewell to the Marvel universe(s).
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