Cheers: Old Flames (1983)
Season 2, Episode 7
Wake up already,Sam !
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ted Danson and Shelly Long put in some good effort and do a good job with their parts of Sam and Diane. The real problem is with the writing. In this episode,the Sam and Diane circus continues and the big question is WHY ! ? Sam and Diane have nothing in common. She is a delusional,condescending snob that thinks she is a worldly and cultured genius. She thinks Sam is a moron and treats him as such. Sam is a guy that can supposedly have almost any woman he wants,anytime,anywhere. There is no earthly reason for Sam to end his happy and carefree lifestyle with as many different women as he wants,and trade it for a life of constant headaches,arguments and embarrassments with the neurotic,needy and endlessly-aggravating Diane. It doesn't make the first bit of sense and it isn't even remotely believable. In this episode Sam has a chance to go out carousing and prowling for women with an old running-buddy. Naturally Diane expects Sam to stay home with her and watch Masterpiece Theater. Sam and Diane aren't married,there is no actual commitment,so obviously the choice of a boring night at home arguing with the never-satisfied Diane vs a wild night of fun and adventure with an old pal should be a no-brainer. Sam may as well just go out with his pal,because other than bringing each other a lot of headaches and complications,it is a mystery exactly what positive or good things Diane and Sam are doing for each-other. Sam and Diane simply don't make a good couple,and the writers' constant focus on these two is draining all the life out of the rest of the show. 4/10.
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