The Walking Dead: Beside the Dying Fire (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
Season 2 goes out with a bang!!
10 January 2024
While this season has been slow at times, the finale delivers with intense moments, great action and a lot of walkers!

After the climactic ending of the previous episode, this episode wastes no time, throwing us into an intense situation, as a heard of walkers approach the farm!

The whole defense of the farm is very well shot! Lots og great moments with a lot happening at the same time! Really feels like they saved the biggest and best for last! Lots of gore and chaos as everyone is sepperated and some suffer brutal faiths!

Great moments of character by the end! Rick himself has changed now! It is clear he is not the same! Murder changes a person.. now the group is forever changed!

Epic last scene with Andrea!
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