14 January 2024
I just finished watching the musical and I was blown away. I don't often say that. The last time was going to see 'Phantom of the Opera' and "Les Miserables' on stage. I watched this by myself in front of my big screen TV and my heaven, the talent, the emotions, the production. The music, the lyrics. I want to watch the show again for all that. Sara Bareilles is amazing and so natural a singer/actor, you feel every emotion she felt all through the story.

The story of just trying to feel a bit of happiness, living with an abuser (they come in many guises) and friendship among disparate personalities comes together in this production. The sets are simple but perfect, the quick seamless changes of scene, too. I laughed and then cried at the end because I saw and felt that the sense of finding true happiness is within everyone's reach and it doesn't necessarily come with being swept away by a perfect love. I mean, you hope for it but it's not the be-all and end-all. And the surprise of someone in your life you never thought would be a big influence for change does reflect real life as I have lived it.

Just wonderful. I executed my own standing ovation in the privacy of my living room. Couldn't help myself.
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