Pixar's greatest foliage tech demo!
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had a lot of problems with Toy Story 3.

I heavily disliked what I saw as a trend that was getting in the way of Pixar producing more and better original movies.

It seems that other movies from the studio got real good review in the meantime; Brave was supposed to be great, Inside Out was a new masterpiece from them.

I got lucky that my Pixar experience of 2015 was The Good Dinosaur.

It had foliage! It had a scene with psychedelic fruit!

And I'm gonna give the rest of the movie to the count of ten to get its ugly, yellow, no-good keister off my property before I pump its guts full of lead.

Apparently this one had a lot of development problems behind the scenes, and it shows.

But after being mildly disappointed in Toy Story 3 and not seeing any other Pixar movies in the meantime, coming back...to this?

Let's just say I was NOT happy at having spent money on a ticket to this film.

And that was a year where I saw stupid, mindless movies like Terminator: Genisys and Jurassic World.

Because while it was obvious to any moviegoer that those movies would be a dumb yet entertaining waste of time, I was not expecting something of this...calibre from Pixar of all studios.

I don't know, and just trying to think back of my experience with the film I...can barely even remember much of it at all.

That already poses a bit of a problem, when even a Pixar film I was previously disappointed with (Toy Story 3) still has moments I could remember a decade later (the furnace, the Totoro cameo) and then this?

I just remember the hallucination scene and the death of a parent in the opening.

Something about tyrannosaurs with Southern accents later?

As a series of little short films featuring the main two characters I don't even think I would have been disappointed or mad.

Their shenanigans alone could be entertaining for twenty minutes at a time, exploring a world that starts to feel larger as they see more of it with each episode.

But presented as a 94-minute movie, I felt like I was starving for anything interesting happening at all.

Whatever the film makers and writers intended to accomplish just did not hit me in any appreciable way except that 90 minutes felt like three hours.

That in and of itself is an accomplishment, but then I'm the fool who spent the money on a ticket for this.

I did that to myself, and the film isn't necessarily to blame.

In retrospect, reading all about its troubled production that I have, it's just a sad tale of a completely mistreated project that may never have had an actual chance to live up to its potential, and I feel a strange combination of admiration and grief for the people who tried their best to make it work despite the considerable odds against their efforts.

Well, it does have foliage going for it.
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