Review of Viy

Viy (1967)
Authentic setting, fun mix of absurd comedy & hammer-style terror
18 January 2024
I have the modern Viy on 3D Bluray but before checking it out I first watched the 60's original. It's good!

The best thing about 1967's Viy is how authentic the characters come across: that pre-Industrial revolution setting, the earthy moment-dwelling nature of the peoples. One scene involving worn bosom-generous ladies singing for the dead felt quite real. Naturally, such films must be watched in original language with subtitles.

The humour is hit-'n-miss, tho' even for an outsider I chuckled at a couple of scenes. While not scary, there is one impressive scene which can be the stuff of nightmares: a witch itching to get into your protective circle can do that! The finale is both silly and disturbing, like one of those old spooky Doctor Who stories. Cast are all great, camera work is pretty nice, some inventive stuff (for the time and place), music is fine.

A fun watch, tho' quite dated. Personally I think I'd have preferred a more serious tone, and more subtle (or at least more dimly-lit) finale.

Next: the 2014 version filmed in 3D. I also have the later Gogol trilogy from director Baranov, of which I believe one chapter is Viy. Tho' might be a while until I get round to them.
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