Deck-ards Days Night.
25 January 2024
I reviewed each episode of the first season of "What If" individually and it seems to make sense to do the same thing again this time. I liked that first series overall, and enjoyed how the seemingly disparate stories coalesced into one narrative and I wonder if that's the plan again this time? This first episode was good in its own right though.

Ronan The Accuser betrays and overthrows Thanos, leading to Nebula (Karen Gillan) being alone and floating in space. She's recruited by Nova Prime (Julianne Grossman) to the Nova Corps. Ronan attacks Xandar - which defends itself by surrounding the planet in an impenetrable shield. After a few years of isolation, Xandar has become a different, darker, and more lawless planet, with he Nova Corp the de facto Police Force. Nebula investigates the death of Yondu (Michael Rooker) and discovers that he was in over his head, with a scheme that risks the whole planet.

I mean, there' a painfully obvious inspiration for this episode that otherwise I think is largely untouched in the MCU. This is very "Bladerunner" inspired, from the cars and buildings invoking that future/noir aesthetic, to the character dangling from the edge of the building, by one arm, towards the end. The theme, as well as the story actually works really well - so much so it's a shame that they couldn't actually make this as a full live action film.

There are some additional MCU characters in the episode. Howard The Duck, voiced by Seth Green is a low-level crime boss here and Korg, Groot and Miek all work for him, which is seemingly set up for a Rock, Paper, Scissors gag that was definitely worth it. You have returns to the MCU for both Peter Serafinowicz and Jude Law, who reprises Yon-Rogg. Glenn Close not returning as Nova Prime is the only missing vocal performer.

It remains to be scene whether we'll see these versions of the characters again, but this was certainly a fun start to the second run.
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