Review of A

The Walking Dead: A (2014)
Season 4, Episode 16
All the things we have done..
27 January 2024
What things did we have to do to get here? Did we ever go to far on some places?

This was a wild finale with some very memorable moments and how Rick developed in just one episode.. wow!

This episode went to a whole new level of brutality as Rick practicly went BEAST MODE in such a graphic way, that even Carl got scared of him! This was obviously a major turning point for him! He has been hiding this part og him since season 3, but now it has been let loose! Now Rick.. is just as scary as the other bad guys!

The flashbacks were used perfectly to show the growth of Rick's character!

The ending was tense and the Cliffhanger was cruel! Terminus is not what you think it is.. and if you know what kind of place it is.. this episode gets even more disturbing!

Brace yourself for this episode..and the episode that folliws!
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