My Holo Love (2020)
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I started this very reluctantly, thinking the overall theme was very corny, but it turned out very enjoyable and I'm glad. Granted, you have to suspend belief in every scene, and I'm not even talking about the AI.

Some of the things that annoyed me: -The whole "childhood trauma" trope is always overblown in Kdramas. I can't remember which one it was, but someone even had a thing that happened to them as a child while it was raining, so they had a fear of rain as an adult. In this one let's say it's more logical, with his mom dying and all, but still the fact that as adults they haven't managed or even tried to get over childhood traumas and they talk about them like they're facts rather than a process they have to go through, annoys me. But I guess they whole series is something happening that makes them get over it so we're basically watching it happen to them, rather than them doing anything about it.

  • Any scene where it wasn't the AI but the actual person impersonating the AI. There weren't that many but as viewers we really had to force ourselves to believe it's possible for someone to breathe and talk and stand next to you and not get they're human. And not think the person isn't a complete idiot for not getting it.

  • The whole "know each other since childhood" trope is also very common in Kdramas, and again as viewers we have to just go along with it. Someone pls explain to me why this is so common. Anyway, in this one it added some nice interactions with the mother.

What I liked: -I liked the pacing and that it was 12 episodes instead of 16. The last couple episodes are very action packed and fun, where in other series they usually drag. I loved the running scene in the airport for some reason.

  • The overall aesthetic was great, very well made both in the case of the AI and the rest.

  • The male lead was great in acting different as an AI and as a human. The female lead showed great emotionality and she was gorgeous without being overwhelming.

  • Some scenes were unexpectedly emotional and very well made.

Overall, I fast forwarded this one only a bit compared to others and that's a win for me. I'd never even heard of it or knew any of the actors but I really enjoyed it.
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