Columbo: How to Dial a Murder (1978)
Season 7, Episode 4
Makes Skinner look like Carl Rogers
28 January 2024
This is possibly my favorite Columbo so far. It actually created an atmosphere of tension and suspense, which frankly most Columbos don't even aim for. Of course, I knew Columbo would not be killed since the DVD has a few more episodes after this one, and the series came back for a couple of encores, but there were moments that sent a shiver up my spine, like the scene at the Spahn, er I mean Callahan ranch, the one when the murderer is about to feed the dogs chocolate, and of course, the final denouement at the pool table. I also thought the murder itself was fairly horrifying, and the training session with the dummy triggered a flashback to Kolshack The Night Stalker, a show that terrified me as a child. Faceless dummies always have a touch of the unheimlich for me, even (or especially) when they're being torn apart by zombie dobermans. I always enjoy episodes with evil psychologists; I hope by the time I've watched the entire series I'll have a blueprint for a lucrative career. Nichol Williams character is a behaviorist who today would be wowing them on the TED talk circuit with his psychobabble. It was refreshing to have Columbo face an opponent he seemed to dislike after a run of relatively sympathetic perpetrators. Usually, when the murderer tries or succeeds at eliminating a witness in addition to the main victim, you can be fairly confident Columbo will relish catching the creep. As a psychologist myself, I thought Columbo really got shortchanged on the personality analysis, and I therefore hope this psychologist loses his license to practice in addition to his freedom. Young Kim Cattrall was quite lovely and stylish. I wonder if the creators of the series experienced a formative trauma related to tennis or tennis players. Tennis often seems to be a symbol of decadence in this series, or maybe tennis was just super popular in the 70s, like TikTok is now.
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