The Walking Dead: Crossed (2014)
Season 5, Episode 7
A descent build-up for the next!
31 January 2024
This episode very much works as the one to set up the events of the next episode! Rather than centering on a single group of characters, we instead bounce around these 3 plots that all resolves in the next episode!

The group with Eugene, is still strugling to cope with his revolation and how to advance from there! Its a story about not giving up even if there is no hope! You can not afford that in this world or you will loose yourself!

Gabriel is still a mysterious character and you never truely know what is going on inside his head!

Ricks group has the most interesting storyline as they try to figure out how to extract Carol and Beth! We really see how much Rick has changed and how cold he has become!

Maybe he sent to much time on the road!
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