Best left to kids, and there's nothing wrong with that
1 February 2024
One of those movies I remember being a huge fan of when I was very little. And I am... definitely too old for nowadays.

This is technically one of those movies about a stranger that blows into a conservative town and teaches everyone to loosen up and let go of their inhibitions. Except now it's a kids movie about a chaotic little girl so unstoppable she's basically magic.

It's an extremely, extremely simple movie, full of actors trying to do their best impressions of living cartoon characters. It's over an hour of kids just... playing around, upsetting adults, and defying just about every physical and natural law on earth.

It's not the worst idea, but it's a lot of fluff. And I mean a lot. It goes down a lot easier when you're younger.

And the thing is, my memories from being a kid lead me to remember a lot more about the first half of the movie than the second half, because eventually it realizes it's run out of road. The last 20-30 minutes are practically a completely separate movie.

I may have been a bit bored, but honestly, I can't be too upset about it. It's not Pippi's fault. I'm hardly this movie's target audience anymore, and at the bare minimum, it's nice to revisit these memories. There was a version of me that loved this movie, and it's good to get in touch with that once in a while.
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