Like a lot of musicals, entertaining but, Meh
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Along with writer/director Adrienne Shelly, Andrew Hollander co-wrote "Baby Don't You Cry (The Pie Song)." for the original movie. Which in my opinion is a better song than any of the songs by Sara Bareilles in this Broadway musical version of the story. I was really surprised, and disappointed, that they didn't include it. The songs by Bareilles, like "Sugar,flour,butter" were fine as far as moving the story along, but most of them werent something that you would go home humming, much less singing. Like most musicals, if you took out the songs you would have a 30 minute drama or comedy. A lot of songs in musicals, no matter how well done, are mainly there to pad out a thin story. This story is entertaining and touching, but at nearly 2 and 1 half hours long, its stretched a little too thin by the music. If youre thrilled by repeatedly having people belting out songs at the top of their voices, maybe its not long enough. I enjoyed the original film more than this version. To me, without really great songs, musicals are redundant. I recognize the talent involved in the performances, but you need great songs to make a great musical.
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