A Diluted shadow of its former self.
18 February 2024
This movie is a movie, a Hollywood movie at that. But Blade: Trinity is a perfect example of the degradation of American cinema at the turn of the millennia. The first Blade was an authentic and dark pinning. Blade 2 decided to be addicted to the CG fight scenes and "choose-your-character" anime power fantasy. But this movie, took that, and upped the ante even more so.

This movie is just Marvel getting its feet wet trying to build up the animesque aspect of what was to come when the MCU was starting to take place. Wesley Snipes and Kris Kristofferson looks like they are so done with this film and I doubt they wanted anything to do with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel. Everyone in this movie is too smart for their own good, but look like they have no clue what they are doing while being too emotional and don't want to carry on. Then we are forced to swallow bad comic relief to remind us that these bad ass humans are merely goofy emotional children deep down inside.

It's 2024 when I wrote this review and I shouldn't have to really elaborate any further. If you have seen Blade 1 or 2, you will know what Blade Trinity will have in store for you.
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