Irrevocably moving and heartbreaking
23 February 2024
Birdcage vibes that is based on the horrors and the true story of Markova's life during the World War II.

After Markova's tormented past; with an abusive brother who can't accept his homosexuality and being victimized by the Japanese soldiers, he still struggles to find comfort of his true self in a world who doesn't make him feel like he belongs. Feeling isolated during his old age, he makes a decision to tell his story to a journalist who doesn't give him the validation he's always needed.

I truly loved the story-telling and how we've seen Markova throughout the ages-how his torment affected him. The comedic dialogues blend well in a very melancholic ambience of Markova's painful story. It captures the past as well as the aftermath of his life and the people close to him.
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