Legion of Super Heroes (2006–2008)
A Good Obscure DC Animated Show
27 February 2024
Legion of Super Heroes has never been all that interesting of a concept to me, and this is coming from a long time hard core DC fan. It always seemed like a bunch of random superheroes that didn't have any character behind them so I was never begging to see a show about them. But in my quest to watch everything DC has made, this show was on my list, and I'm glad to say that after I watched it, I like the Legion of Super Heroes now.

I want to start by saying that adding Superman to the cast here was a genius move, both for this show and the lore of the Legion. The Legion cast here are all teenagers, and the Legion historically looks to the memory of Superman to guide their morals and beliefs as heroes. It makes all the sense to add Superman to the main cast with the Legion before he even becomes Superman, because now they can each learn from each other and that makes for a compelling watch. For the viewers, adding Superman to a cast of nobodies immediately grants a foothold into this show and allows casual DC fans a place to get started.

The tone of this show is very similar to Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. This show feels more aimed towards kids, but it isn't written in a dumbed down way. As an adult I had no issues with the tone, and was even surprised by some more mature things that take place, especially with some characters. The characters are a mixed bag, mostly due to a handful getting more time and characterization than others. Overall I was satisfied with the ones I really cared about, but characters like Cosmic Boy end up disappointing. My favorite by far was Brainiac 5, as I could tell there was a lot to that character and it was all fascinating to me.

Something that was strange to me was the pacing of the 2 seasons as they relate to one another. Without spoiling specifics, season 1 has all the characters as teenagers. Season 2 has a slight time jump a few years and now everyone looks like they're a young adult. I thought this was a fine change, as I thought they really had a good story to tell with these characters and wanted to get to that before they got cancelled. But then season 2 ends with a sort of cliffhanger, teasing what is coming next. I thought that was a very odd choice, as there was no way they assumed they were getting a season 3. This reminded me a lot of Young Justice, as they would constantly do the same thing. I wish shows would stop doing this, and just treat each season as if it were their last.

Overall Legion of Super Heroes was a pleasant surprise and I ultimately enjoyed it. I would recommend it to DC fans to check out, but it isn't the easiest thing to find at the moment. Even still it is a welcome addition to the roster of DC animated shows.
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