Review of 17

17 (2018–2021)
All four Seasons Review:
27 February 2024
This series goes by many names, so I will easily just say "17" as it was the name of the first original season that debuted almost six years ago. I decided to finish the series and after watching all of the four seasons I can say that Nrk (Norwegian Broadcast Corporation) had made a little franchise. This one is one of the better Norwegian hood shows I have seen, including that it is so clever and well developed with everything. In every season there is a new main character, in the first we have a guy called Abdi, season two Emrah, season three Ibo and season four Aisha. And it's not like some random story with new characters that just come for the sake of a new season, no. All of the four characters are connected in the same story, same timeline, but every season uses its time to explore each other and look at different persons perspectives. Personally I think it was a very good idea, it was very smart and a good way to show multiculturalism in Norway, no matter of color, culture or country you and your family comes from. The series does also show perfectly the society in a Norwegian place called Stovner (You live in Norway Oslo then you know) and how many people are judging this place because of a higher criminal level and the high amount of foreigners that many people do not like. It shows that even if there is criminality, it isn't always like that all the time. It shows that Stovner can be something much more, and not only as people might think from reading the news. Back to the other things, I think the acting was very good, mostly teenagers, but on a very high class of acting for such age and I don't know, everyone was good at expressing themselves and performing their roles well. The script and dialogues are very solid for a low budget production that is made for the age group for teenagers, and other factors like music, fast paced editing and build-up suspense, was things that made the series very watchable. Each episode last from 5-20 minutes, and those kind of short episodes are fast to go through, you don't get bored, and the story does really carrie on most of the way. There are some boring moments from time to time that I would personally thought could be much more interestingly made, but in the end, this series is very clever and can teach us a lot about teenage growing up, prejudices, and how hard it can be to be different. I do recommend it, but mostly the first two seasons (The last two are good to but the first two are the absolute best).
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