28 February 2024
I have given The Broken Wood Mysteries a 9 out of 10.

For me this is extremely rare, it's not often something catches my attention and keeps it, as well as Broken Wood does.

The main Actors in this excellent series, Neill Rea (plays Mike Shepherd) and Fern Sutherland (plays Kristin Simms) have a wonderful Father - Daughter type relationship, which is not only quite charming but also is really wonderful to see.

Despite working in close quarters, as indeed Police officers would do in real life. There is no suggestion of an improper relationship between the two.

It's Reassuring in a way, as today so many TV series actually live on and many survive only, on the sexual suggestion regardless of age gap.

Below, I happened upon a comment which alleges that this show is misogynist, because of a rather light hearted few scenes in the first series. You see, Mike Shepherd and another detective politely refuse coffee, when Simms offers to make some for all three.

Apparently, it's now a Sin to refuse a cup of coffee from a colleague, IF that colleague happens to be female!

It's refreshing, dare I say, decent family viewing. It however, does not take itself absolutely serious, there are often comedic, if not comedy cringe incidents between Mike Shepherd and the Russian M. E. Gina KADINSKY (played by Cristina Serbian Ionda).

Mike is the Love interest of M. E. Gina, which results in both indearing, touching and cringe worthy moments which induce bouts of laughter. I won't go further to avoid spoilers.

Rea is an exceptional Actor, who is comfortable dealing one moment with Simms and the very next with M. E. Gina, sometimes both at the same time. How he manages to play the senior / Father figure with Simms and immediately turn on the comedic role with M. E. Gina is hard to explain, yet he does it extremely well!.

I would be in stitches of laughter or sincerely stern, absolutely certainly and without doubt, at exactly the wrong time, each time.

It works, in fact it works extremely well!. It deserves much more recognition that it has so far, but as is often the case, it's after such a great series ends when admiration of the Actors skills comes to light.

I find little to criticise about The Broken Wood Mysteries, except perhaps, the seasons are way too short and each season, has far too few episodes!.

There are Very Few TV Series where one complains about too few episodes, for sure!.

BUT the Broken Wood Mysteries in my humble opinion, Is That Good!.

To Conclude, Wonderful Trio of exceptionally good Actors!, Delightful Script Writing (quality writing), wonderful Scenery which shows delightfully the beauty of New Zealand.

ALL IN ALL, A very deserved 9 out of 10.
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