The Office (2005–2013)
"I'm not superstitious, I'm a little stitious..."
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1: The show is definitely starting off well for me, The best episode in my opinion is "Diversity Day", very controversial and it was good. The worst episode in my opinion, is Basketball, don't get me wrong, I still laughed a lot, but I just found it dragged out a few times, Diversity Day was on all levels offensive, that is probably why I enjoyed it so much. The acting is impeccable, and the whole setting is wonderful as well. And I only watched season 1. The way this show makes every day life absurd and ridiculous is truly admirable. It is off to a very good start, and I look forward to seeing more, I watched it in one day and I don't binge watch very often. Hilarious and absurd. Great.

Season 2: Better than the first season for sure. Season 2 is where the drama starts a little, the story arc between Pamela and Jim get a little more dramatic. But mostly, the show maintains its hilarious quality to it. The best episode in season 2 in my opinion is Casino Night, the episode ends on a complete cliff-hanger, which was a pleasant surprise, and we finally see what we want to see between Jim and Pam. And it is also, very funny, it is about a private casino opening for one night in the warehouse of the office. So, it is an original plot and the performances in this episode, and throughout the whole season were phenomenal. The worst episode in my opinion is "Boys and Girls". And again, I loved it, but compared to the other episodes in this season, it did not really live up to the rest. But the show remains incredible. I love the comedy, the drama the mild suspense like at the end. Great show. It is the Breaking Bad of sitcoms.

Season 3: Season 3 in my opinion is not as good as season 2, but better than season 1. I adore this show to an incredible extent. I am still waiting for Pamela and Jim to become a couple, seems like it is happening since I saw the season finale to s3, but I thought that with the finale of s2. 2 new main characters enter the show in this season. Karen and Andy. Karen is a character you love to hate. And the only real reason we hate her is because she is Jim's girlfriend in this season. Even though Jim is kind of a horrible person to Pam in this season... Andy is an annoying character. But he is a great addition to the show. We all love him, the guy with the anger issues. Season 3 is not much worse than season 3. It is still a fantastic season. I don't think there will be a bad season in this show. But so far season 2 is definitely the best. The best episode in season 3 in my opinion is a hard choice, but it is likely "Cocktails", so much comedy and so much drama in that one. If I had to choose another one it would be obviously the season finale, which leaves us on a major cliffhanger, with Pam and Jim, and Ryan getting the job it seems he did not interview for. The worst in my opinion is Benihana Christmas. Which is a fantastic episode. But again, it does not live up to the rest of the episodes of the season. In conclusion, I love season 3, I love Cocktails which features Roy going crazy after Pam told him what happened on Casino Night. Wonderful show, and wonderful season.

Season 4: I can not express with words my love for this show. Still no bad episodes, and no decline in quality. Better than season 3, 1, and even 2 in my opinion despite its short episode count. So far season 4 is the best. It introduces Holly's character, we say goodbye to Toby, and we finally get to see Pam and Jim as a couple, which we have been waiting for. There are many great episodes in this season such as Dinner party, Fun run, and more but my favorite in this season is the season finale: Goodbye Toby. This episode both introduces Holly and says goodbye to Toby, it features Andy proposing to Angela at a really bad time, and more. It was also super entertaining, and not one unfunny joke. The worst episode in my opinion is Dunder Mifflin Infinity, and to be honest this was the first episode in the whole show that I did not really find myself enjoying, first off, for what this episode is, it is too long and there are many fillers. Plus, the whole web site story arc just seemed kind of forced and not pertinent to the show. Don't get me wrong, there were a few hilarious scenes in this episode, but it just did not really grasp my attention that much. Overall, I love this season a lot, and I have very high hopes for season 5. (P. S: I felt it unnecessary to have the first 4 episodes of the season to be each 42 minutes long, it is ok, they were mostly fantastic, it just seemed slightly unnecessary, sure there are some episodes that need that runtime, just not most of the 4 first ones, still loved them though).

Season 5: No doubt, season 5 is not as good as s4, it is still great. It introduces Erin, we find out that Pam is pregnant, Michael starts his own paper company and Dwight starts a fire, on purpose. And a lot more happens. The best episode in my opinion is obviously Stress Relief, and I believe many people agree with that. I mean, it is truly hilarious. So many scenes in that episode that never fail to get a lot of laughs. It is a great episode. The worst episode in my opinion is Cafe Disco, sure there were a few good laughs, but overall it seemed like a big part of it was....people dancing to music and Michael trying to convince Angela to do the same. That is my opinion, and I know I am the minority because the episode got an 8.7/10. But every other episode in this season is genius. I heavily praise this show. And the dramedy is still there and balanced.

Season 6: Season 6 now beats every other season so far. Better than s1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Hilarity is at its most in my opinion, the opening of s6 in itself had me dying of laughter. The best episode in this season in my opinion is Niagara, and again, many people agree with me on that one. It is equally as emotional as it is funny. Because there are so many comedic scenes that are so effective, but at the same time, it is Pam and Jim's marriage. It is phenomenal. And the worst episode in this season is by far "The Banker". Which is essentially a bunch of clips. It has 5 minutes of new footage, making it a simple filler that I was hoping to not see in this show. I really did not like this episode, and it only made me laugh because the clips were funny, but we see the clips before, and at the end, Michael rapped the entire Electric City song. Which was hard to watch. Other than the Banker, s6 has so many new things happening. Andy and Erin's relationship form, we say goodbye to Dunder Mifflin and hello to Sabre, Jim becomes a co-manager with Michael, and a lot more. I see no decline in this show what so ever so far. And I don't see it happening.

Season 7: What a season. Eventful, hilarious, very, very sad, and great. This is the season where we say goodbye to a favorite. Michael Scott. Before his departure, the season was equally as good as season 6 in my opinion. And of course during and after his departure, it was still as good as season 6. Now don't get me wrong, Michael's departure was easily the best episode of the season and easily one of the best of the whole show (from what I watched). The episode was very, very emotional. Tearjerker a sitcom. And it managed to stay relatively funny, no real laugh out loud moments, but a few chuckles. Which in this case is not a bad thing. Because that is not the point of the episode, at all. If we are talking more about the funniest episode in the season, I would go with Classy Christmas, but frankly, as great as that episode is, Goodbye Michael is still better. As for the worst of the season, I would go with Christening, it was not as terrible many people make it out to be, but it was....not great. A few hilarious laugh out loud scenes, other than that it seemed kind of out of place with the whole show. And slightly unnecessary, not that it was bad, I would not skip it in a rewatch, but I still think it was not the all. After Michael leaves, the show actually remains great. And this is an unpopular opinion, I am aware, but to be honest the show does not get worse by much. Sure, there are a few scenes with longing, but you forget about it. Deangelo is not that bad, and Robert California, is fantastic. I think the show will still be great, and not that bad. I predict that even without Michael, the show will go on with its hilarity. Also, Holly comes back, and she leaves again.....and also, her and Michael get married!

Season 8: Approaching the end, Andy becomes regional manager, then Nellie becomes regional manager, Robert California is the C. E. O...until he's not, and this is the first season without Michael. Season 1 is worse, and I love season 8. It definitely is not the best season, but neither is season 3, which has Michael, it is still great though. The only thing about this season is that it is nowhere near as eventful as I wanted it to be. There were not that many important scenes, but an episode does not have to be important to be good. The lowest rated episode where Andy goes to Tallahassee to get Erin back, is not bad at all. Another bad thing about this season is that Cathy, really sucks. I really hate her, and she is useless, she seems to just completely disappear. My favorite episode in this season is Angry Andy (despite its low score), and my least favorite is Lotto, Lotto does not really have a very high purpose to me. I love this season, can't wait for the finale. The show is still almost if not as good as it was.

Season 9: And the series ends....this is not a very funny season, there are some hilarious scenes (Asian Jim being one of them). But I think that since it is the final season, it focuses more on the drama. And I have no problem with that. It is a great season that is underappreciated. The finale episode is heart-breaking. Especially the last 20 minutes. I am so sad that the office is over, it will forever have a place in my heart (the farm sucked though, no doubt).
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