edgy camerawork and no real story
4 March 2024
I found it tedious. It just wasn't very compelling or engaging.

If I am watching a movie and I feel an urge to whip out my phone and see what the weather is like, that is not a good film!

This despite packing a pretty great roster of character actors and of course Christopher Plummer.

A large part of this is the story. Which is basically an after school special about misunderstood kids and older people or something. Great ad for libraries I guess. It's also just so flat. There are a few points of conflict, like the bullies early on. But that thread is kind of lost. Then there are other story elements that jump in and out haphazardly. It's just kind of hard to see what story they are trying to tell and why some unrelated parts are in there?

It's not terrible, to be honest. I could live with it except for the random shaky camerawork.

It's like you are watching an Episode of the Rockford Files and they just gotta go across town to talk to Fuzzy Bear but oh no shaky camera attack, trip out.
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