This was indeed a dud...
16 March 2024
Needless to say that the 2024 movie "Frankenstein: Legacy" was a movie that had snuck in under the radar undetected. And I happened to come across it by random chance, and thus opted to sit down and watch it. I have to admit, blatantly though, that I harbored zero expectations to writers Paul Dudbridge and Jim Griffin, because the classic Mary Shelley story have been interpreted a tad too many times on the screen, and mostly with subpar result.

The storyline in the movie was dull one, to say the least. There wasn't a whole lot of anything interesting happening, and it was more of a period-set drama than a thriller. And that was quite a disappointment.

I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. And that is, believe it or not, actually something that appeals to me when I watch a movie; as there is no association to previously portrayed characters in other movies. The acting performances in "Frankenstein: Legacy" were actually fair enough, despite the fact that the actors and actresses had next to nothing to work with.

The CGI in the movie was pretty atrocious for a movie made in 2024; it looked like something from the early 2000s. So having lousy CGI effects definitely didn't help to lift up the movie. And a movie such as what director Paul Dudbridge was trying to deliver here with "Frankenstein: Legacy" needs proper and convincing special effects. And the movie just simply didn't have that, and the end result was a subpar movie.

Ultimately a swing and a miss of a movie, and not one I would recommend for horror fans to rush out and get to watch. In fact, I might actually say that you shouldn't waste your time, money and effort on this movie, especially if you are a fan of the original work of Mary Shelley. Some of us suffered through the 101 minutes, so you don't have to; you're welcome.

My rating of "Frankenstein: Legacy" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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