I would give this 0 out of 10 stars if I could
22 March 2024
The Netflix series "Daughters of Destiny" deserves the lowest rating because it's a misuse of an education platform and yet another disrespectful example of conversion tactics. I don't know where they got their definition of "caste system" from but it's seriously misleading and also harmful to Hinduism. This is a decidedly anti-Hindu film which typically portrays Christians as "saviors" and makes Hinduism out to be "the bad guy" even though Hinduism has nothing to do with "caste system". In fact, the word "caste" does not exist in any sacred Hindu text and is not part of Hindi or Sanskrit language. What we recognize are "Varna" and "Jaati" which sees everyone as level players, equally valuable in the field of life. It is very hypocritical to see caste system attributed to Hindus when it is so prominent among white aristocracy, who rank people in order of importance. These invaders to India also perpetuated racial discrimination previously unheard of in Indian colonies. Naturally they saw their fair skin as superior. But how could an indigenous people who worship dark-hued Forms of God and who are often dark-hued themselves consider those with darker complexions to be inferior? No, this was unheard of before colonisation. But it has become tagged on to Hindus to this day and remains an issue because corrupt people still practice it. However, we must remember, it has nothing to do with Hinduism: This so-called "documentary" centres around the so-called magnanimity of the misleadingly-titled "Shanti Bhavan" school in south India founded by an Indian expat named Abraham George (go figure) with an underhanded aim of converting vulnerable groups to Christianity, though this motive is denied and underplayed throughout the series. Misinformation is spread about Hinduism and caste system is attributed to Hindus to create Hindumisia. Makers of this so-called "documentary" are self-serving in their aim to show down the Hindu religion as inferior to their foreign one. The filmmakers neglect the fact that caste system was introduced by the Portuguese as "casta" in 1500s and is NOT legally recognized by India's constitution. They also neglect the glaring fact that the PM of India Modi Himself as well as the President Herself come from so-called "Dalit" class, therefore there is no restriction on upward social movement among these groups. It is only human prejuduce and white lies (pun intended) that perpetuates caste system. I repeat, it has nothing to do with Hinduism and Shanti Bhavan school, far from being innocuous, remains an example of a deceptive missionary school funded by donations and run under the guise of charity/ non-profit, but whose aim is to convert the vulnerable but only the gullible will be fooled. Sensible people should realise that these self-serving wolves in sheep's clothing are definitely not "saviors" but exploiters whose aim is to help themselves get more followers by enticing them to leave their religion in 2 ways: spreading misinformation and creating a sense of debt/ loyalty for services rendered. Conversion is a despicable practice because it disrespects another person's religion or way of life without seeking to properly understand it. The founder of Shanti Bhavan is obviously one such person who was converted and is now on a mission to convert many others. Missionaries always operate under the guise of "helping". But in their quest to homogenize everyone, they are a threat to diversity and that is a real concern. On the same way that persons want their religion to be respected, they should respect others. In the same way that they would not want to be converted, they should not try to convert others. I would not recommend that anyone supports a school, film or project with conversion agenda. This is why I give this the lowest rating and encourage others to do the same. While you're at it, find out the truth about where caste came from, you will find it's not from Hinduism. It's so ironic that colonizers stole from Indians then used the funds to build schools to convert them. Furthermore, it's these white invaders that introduced caste and racial discrimination. But now Hindus must be grateful for those who caused the confusion in the first place? I'm so tired of the hypocrisy and so fed-up of seeing films like these using "caste" to promote their conversion agenda. I consider it a dangerous film because it's spreading misinformation and promoting hatred towards Hindus. This is unacceptable.
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