should be proud of this nifty amateur effort. AND your mullet.
26 March 2024
I'd love to know the backstory for this totally unmapped little shot-on-video wonderwork. It's an amateur entry in the cheesy "intergalactic action fantasy" subgenre, pretty much at its apogee when this was made. Due to the poor sound quality, I didn't really catch the drift of the story too well, but it seems to involve a rebel faction mobilized to disempower an evil female Darth Vader type of villainess.

I'm guessing this was an ambitious high-school theater department project(the entire cast are teenagers). Never mind that it looks like something you'd find at 2AM on a cable access channel in the's carried off with so much giddy youthful enthusiasm that it becomes instantly endearing. Too, everything about it is *SO* indisputably 1985...lots of Rick Springfield quasi-mullets, parachute onesie suits with superfluous zippers...I kept flashing back to my junior yearbook photo, and the ear-cuff, and that damn skinny satin piano keyboard tie...but I digress.

Long story short, this can be fun to watch in a very different sort of a testament to resourceful button-soup creativity, and for its youthful, energetic brio. I won't give it a standard 1 to 10 rating, because it really doesn't apply fairly to something like this. I'll just say I enjoyed it on its own realistic terms, more for the effort than the upshot.
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