Pretty much the same as almost everyone else here says...
1 April 2024
Well, you must admit most of the reviews are consistent : )

Like many reviewers here, I'm a big fan of these guys' work. Even 'SYNCHRONIC' was very good despite some naysayers. But, this one... Honestly, I fully agree with what most of the reviewers who rated this movie a 4 or 5 here have said.

Just too disjointed... Believe me, I'm all for total Surrealism, David Lynch is one of my all time favourite living directors. BUT... you still have to have a story, atmosphere, mood, SOMETHING that ties together enough to present an entertaining movie.

As usual, the fellows are very clever, and the acting is excellent as always. There are many moments throughout which are creative and creepy and many other great things. The editing and cinematography are very well done. But, unfortunately what you end up with is simply not coherent enough or atmospheric enough to carry an entire film.

And lastly...

Who the hell financed this thing... Phillip Morris...? Winston...? Marlboro...? Camel...? I mean, COME ON GUYS...! I don't think I've seen a movie since the 1940's, 1950's Film Noir where everyone was bloody CONSTANTLY smoking, GEEZ! Now, I don't mean directly to diss people who choose to smoke, that is totally their business. BUT... for me personally, I found it rather insulting to the audience, bearing in mind what everyone well knows today about smoking, having the two guys LITERALLY smoking non-stop, every moment, every scene, all the bloody way through is not only pointless but irritating. I'm sorry, maybe it's just my personal feelings, but considering the public awareness today and the fact that most people simply do not smoke these days, the only way I can express it is that I honestly found it truly insulting to the audience.

It's almost like when you watch a movie (or a show) where every sentence by every person has like 20 'F' words in it. Not to be a prude or anything, but I feel it's the same principle. The average person just simply does not talk that way. And, I think it is the same with the wall-to-wall smoking throughout the entire film.

Anyway... Sorry to go on about that, but for two of the most clever, intelligent filmmakers going today, I just cannot see how they can justify why they would do that in this day and age. Unless of course, like I first said, their TOTAL financing came from the tobacco industry : )

So, back to the movie. Yes, clever, and YES very ambitious, but as an entertaining film, even for their die hard fans and even for people like me who really love Surreal films, sorry the sum result I don't feel is truly up to what these fellows are capable of. Like some others here have said and I agree... By far their weakest effort.

I'm giving it a rather generous '6' because of the sheer complexity and effort that went into it...
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