No Way Up (2024)
The plane crash was just the beginning
2 April 2024
This movie just looks like a standard VOD shark movie with a premise that seems impossible but could work for a thriller like this, but I was not expecting that much from this movie because of how bland it looked; after watching it, I can say that I was right for calling it a bland movie because it was bad, not entertaining bad, but just a boring kind of bad. The movie No Way Up (2024) was just generic bad with bad performances, average effects, sharks that are barely in the movie, and hard to see moments of the sharks attacking; the characters are too bland with the plane scenario having potential to work, but the script and everything else around the premise made the movie less thrilling and more boring to watch.

Every character on the plane is forgettable with most of them being annoying, at least most of them did not do much when it came to figuring out how to get out of the sunken plane, except for one person who also occasionally does not do much; most of the passengers on the plane are killed off because of the crash, and the people left in the crash get slowly picked off by sharks whenever there is supposed to be some tension in a scene. There is nothing to say about these people or anything they do, they just do stupid things, get killed off very slowly one by one, and can be annoying; I know I do not have much to say about them, but this movie does not have me invested in them or the little backstories they talk about at some point, along with them just being generic.

For this being a shark movie, I expected the sharks to be in the movie more than they did, they are there for an occasional attack scene of them dragging the characters underwater, but also the shark attacks are not that great; the shark attacks are not as bloody as they are supposed to be in a rated R movie, and they are hard to look at because of the uses of the shaky cinematography. The premise to the movie could work, because the idea sounds like it could work as a thriller, but the script, characters, and cinematography is done well to make this movie good; the location and where the movie takes place is good and I can see the potential for suspenseful scenes and for tension, but instead I was not invested enough to feel any suspense or tension taking place.

The movie No Way Up (2024) was bad with bad performances, average effects, sharks that are barely in the movie, and hard to see moments of the sharks attacking; the characters are too bland with the plane scenario having potential to work, but the script and everything else around the premise made the movie less thrilling and more boring to watch. I will just say that this is not worth watching when you could watch better shark movies, or better bad shark movies; this is not an in-depth review of this movie, but because the movie is generic, there is not much to talk about, so this is all I can fully say about it.
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