A Big Step Down
5 April 2024
After thoroughly enjoying the original series of 'Belgravia' (a solid 8/10 miniseries, arguably 9/10), I was hopeful that most of the negative reviews of "Belgravia: The Next Chapter" would be wrong, or at least a bit exaggerated. Alas, the negative reviews are more right than wrong, and this second season is yet another example of a great show taking a massive step down from a successful first season.

It was always going to be a tough task to match the clever, rewarding, and intelligent writing of the first season, but "The Next Chapter" falls short of even the above average level of writing of well-produced shows of the modern era of entertainment. The main plot line and the character arcs of the two leads is just not very interesting, especially from about the 3rd or 4th episode on. While season one seemed too short and had you begging for more at six episodes, this second season tests your patience at eight episodes in which little seems to happen half the time. You know a writer is completely clueless when they start portraying the 1871 Paris Commune in a positive light (the best era in Paris's history, the Belle Epoque, only happened thanks to the failing of said evil Commune, not to mention that the same ideology that the Commune spouted would go on to kill 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 more people than fascism in the 20th century). The side plots are eye-rollingly predictable at best. So how does it even earn a review this high? Mainly because of the great production, excellent cinematography, and wonderful acting, especially by Harriet Slater. While other positive reviews here credit the 'victim' plot line, the reality is that the focus on victims has created a culture in which every struggling person pretends to be a victim in every way possible, causing their mental state to deteriorate. Similarly, our main male lead sulks, acts petulant, and behaves like a prick and uses his so-called 'victim' status as an excuse. Overall, this is a very skippable season of television, although not a total disaster.
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