Doc Martin: One Night Only (2022)
Season 10, Episode 2
A couple AMAZINGLY quick diagnoses, but still it's a dandy episode.
7 April 2024
The main plot in this episode involves an old man who is planning on selling his house and Louisa REALLY wants to move there with the family. But there's a problem...the old man is either physically or psychologically unwell. You see...he keeps seeing his dead wife around the house and spends most of his evenings yelling at her and telling her to get lost.

Another plot, though not at important to the show, involves a man who is having strange fatigue-like symptoms. Amazingly, Doc Martin manages to diagnose a complicated illness almost instantly, as he thinks the man has POTS.

Smaller plots involve troubles Martin is having with his incompetent receptionist, Max, as well as a dog that insists it will be the Martins' new pet...a familiar sort of thing.

I thought this was a very good episode though must admit that it was silly how Martin was able to make his diagnoses so quickly...particularly POTS. It's a rare disorder and I have a family member with it...but it took years to get the diagnosis! There are simply a ton of other illnesses to differentiate to determine if it's one of them instead.

By the way, one thing I really liked was Morwenna's dealings with the old man. She was incredibly sweet and gentle...and was by far the finest part of this episode.
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