The Pink Panther: Put-Put, Pink (1969)
Season 1, Episode 29
Building motorcycles with Pink Panther
7 April 2024
'The Pink Panther' "Put Pink Pink" (1968)

Opening thoughts: 'Put Put Pink's' idea was a nice one and had no doubt that it would at least work. Not the most original on the block on the whole, but this sort of idea has more often than not worked very well before (a classic premise if you will) and it does so here. As a cartoon, it is decent but also uneven. 'Put Put Pink' is not one of the best Pink Panther cartoons while also not one of the worst. If anything it is around solid middle, doing a lot right while not succeeding at everything or exceeding it.

Bad things: Firstly, the story does have a sense of fun and doesn't make the mistake of being dull but structurally and narratively there isn't a huge amount to it and it is rather routine. The animation quality has also been better, the style is still simple (not a problem, the simplicity has always been part of the series' charm).

But with a lack of elegance in the drawings and the colours are not as vibrant.

Good things: The music is outstanding though, very easy to remember and adds a lot of character and upbeat jazzy style. And the theme tune is one that you can not tire of even after hearing it umpteen times. The gags are mostly amusing more than they are laugh-out-loud hilarious, but none of them fall into the unfunny category. Faring best is the ending and the one with the third motorcycle.

Pink is cool, fun and likable still as a character though his antics are also inept, in an appealing way though. The motorcycle cop is a great supporting character, one that brings some good comedy and also a character that you feel some empathy for.

Closing thoughts: Summing up, a quite good cartoon from the Pink Panther series but there's been better before and since.

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