Masterpiece blah blah blah, unforgettable blah blah etc ..
9 April 2024
.. there is a wall. Not a shield wall, that protects Arrakeen from the deep desert, but rather a cultural wall. A wall where those who came before are used to a higher quality, a finesse in filmmaking, which is lost on those who came later. Who like LOUD, BIG, and absolutely on-the-nose film.

While i place on a pedestal the immortal masterpiece by Lynch, Dune 2 was just mediocre. Not as bad as Dune .. uh .. 1? But still not really good.

I mean, i can't forget that i have seen 1984 Dune, so maybe i could like this a bit more if the first film never existed. I could forget the magnificent sets, the fantastic costumes, the amazing soundtrack, the superb direction and pacing, the acting of Jose Ferrer, of Kenneth McMillian, of Max von Sydow. We could forget that Lynch figured out that Space Kungfu wouldn't work and fixed the fighting and the ending, but then i would be left only with what little Dune 2 has to offer - a bunch of bland CGI stolen from the internet, horrible costumes, and a story which would maybe have better impact if it had anything like a decent direction. While VIlleneuve did the fairly good Sicario, to me he will always be the guy who made a mockery of Blade Runner.

And here is the wall. You either do, or do not like. You are on one side or the other. You can't like the new Blade Runner and also like the old one, you can't like Dune 2 and Dune 1984 at the same time, because if you grew up with the cinema sensibility that created such masterpieces as the original Dune and Blade Runner, you will simply be bored at the complete lack of artistic quality that their remakes have. And if you DO like the new ones, you don't even know what to look at, when you're shown the old ones.

Dune 2 was bad. Not horrible bad, but disappointing, sad bad. Sad that we insult the intelligence of our audience so much, and sad that they can't even tell.

My vote: i don't know, 10/10 if you are a teenager, 5.5/10 if you are an adult.
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