An Excellent show for old and new fans!
9 April 2024
Ninjago: Dragons Rising is a great show with lots of character, charm, depth and epic action scenes. If you have never watched Ninjago before this would be a great place to start since S1 is very good and S2 so far has improved on that and continues to be awesome.

Arin and Sora who bounce off each other very well, also represent different views of the people who watch the show. Arin is a super ninja fan who looks up to the legendary ninja and knows every little thing about them (the people who have watched ninjago since the start). Sora is the tech genius who has never seen them before or know who they are (represents people whos only exposure to ninjago is DR). It is very clever of the writers to do that, since they reintroduce the ninja later on in S1 which causes Sora to like them due to how cool they are. It also helps that they are very likeable protagonists.

The merging of the 16 realms was also such a good idea since it allows for more stories that couldn't have been possible before. S2 continues to prove that since it dives into the consequences of the realms merging with Lord Ras trying to unleash evil through a blood moon ritual.

This show is so good and more people should be watching it! The animation is also stellar, it looks like moving concept art at times. The fight scenes in S2 are SO EPIC. If you are a fan of cartoons, or animation in general, don't let the fact that its LEGO put you off watching it, because S2 gets very dark at times and they also touch on the topic of mental health in it too. Such a good show.
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