Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
Lukewarm is the best way to put it
10 April 2024
This show is definitely a product of its time and the only reason it seemed popularized at that time was the fact that shows just needed likable cast people saying 90s things and being a "strong" character. The story seems absolutely meaningless and i think in 1997+, people were still in awe about things on TV and it didn't require much cinematic work to get people glued to a show like this.

This show is as milquetoast and lukewarm you could possibly be. The characters are just normal 90s teenagers, the monsters are barely formidable, no puzzle is intellectually stimulating, and the drama is about a teaspoon away from not being a drama at all.

I personally thing a lot of shows like this in the 90s were made to not offend anyone at all and I think this show does a good job of that. Everyone is nice to look at, the sets are not striking, the dialogue is not worth turning up the volume for, and you could easily leave this on in the background while doing a task.

You get the picture.
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