Review of Bad Eggs

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs (1998)
Season 2, Episode 12
1958, 1979, and now 1998!
18 April 2024
Echoing both Fiend Without a Face and Alien, Buffy takes a stab (pun intended) at a vampiric-infused version of the theme. Drama seems to go on pause, with no major advancements there, but the intro of two new vamps comes into the fray. I'm alright with this re-telling as there was sufficient faithfulness to the formerly mentioned films, a bit of a creative twist, and a sense of danger when there's a suspenseful moment when the baddie has the upper hand.

This 'floater' episode is alright for weekly entertainment, though a bit phoned-in on the creativity angle being this story exists in two prior forms. Lots of kissy-faces in this one between characters for those who enjoy some smoochy soap between vampire slayings.
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