Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 Video Game)
One of the Best Games of All Time!
20 April 2024
Core to any good role-playing game is a well-written story, of which Horizon Zero Down paid in spades. Not your typical future sci-fi (or primitive past), but rather a rare or new genre defined! We meet characters of a variety of cultures, motives, personalities, and spirits, yet the world is skillfully crafted to bring diversity together as one people.

Gameplay is super slick. I don't like bumbling with a controller trying to relearn how to move my character, but in this game, I was able to pick up and play even months after having a break. Everything is smooth, well thought out, movements feel natural. I may have gotten 'stuck' once or twice where I wasn't sure where to go or what to do, but in a sixty-hour game and considering me as a player, that's quite a feat!

Artwork is incredible, design elements, animation, you could see how much time and detail the development team put into this piece. Combine all these elements, with a fantastic ending that left my heart pounding, and you've got a standing ovation game!
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