far better than I expected!
21 April 2024
"The Life of Riley" was originally a radio show starring William Bendix in the title role. It was so successful that Universal Studios decided to make a big-screen film once again starring Bendix as Chester Riley. But the Dumont Network ALSO wanted to make a weekly TV series...and because Bendix was already starring in the movie, they re-cast the role and now Jackie Gleason was Chester Riley! If this isn't confusing enough, the TV series wasn't originally well received...and eventually it was rebooted with Bendix once again in the lead!

In many ways, Chester Riley from this film reminded me of Ralph Kramden (played by Jackie Gleason on "The Honeymooners" and "The Jackie Gleason Show"). In fact, one of the plots to "The Honeymooners" is very similar to the one in this film. A guy the Riley's knew back when they used to live in Brooklyn contacts them. Chester hates the guy BUT he still invites him over for dinner--hoping to show this guy that Chester is living a better life. Of course, Monahan is rich and very successful and Riley spends much of their evening trying to look like a big man. And, after the evening concludes, Chester swears to his wife that he, too, will be a success and give her everything she wants. Just HOW is he going to do this? And, how is the boss' rotten son going to be part of this?

This is a thoroughly enjoyable film...and makes me want to see the TV series. Well written, well acted...and, most importantly, fun.
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