Review of Fallout

Fallout (2024– )
Fun series with dark undertones
22 April 2024
Pretty gory and gruesome, I loved that. Also liked that it began by showing the apocalyptic event that shaped this dystopian future. I haven't played the game, so I can't make comparisons to it. It seems like video game adaptations are becoming quite popular nowadays; Last of Us, Halo, and Twisted Metal. Good thing is you don't need to be familiar with the game.

I love post-apocalyptic shows so this was right up my alley. I was almost always gonna like this. I like the type of futuristic it is, it's like the cartoon The Jetsons but dystopian. I always find it ironic how futuristic dystopias sometimes incorporate really old music from the 1940s into their soundtracks.

This show is subtly, yet not-so-subtly, geared towards adults. Despite its lightheartedness, humor, and fun, it's easy to forget the gruesome aspects, like oh a decapitated head. It maintains a childlike happy vibe, largely due to the main character's naivety and optimism. She's like a ray of sunshine, too pure for the dystopian world she inhabits. Watching her character development as she learns the harsh realities is quite engaging. However, she remains fundamentally good throughout

All the main characters are compelling. Maximus, despite his duality, is a fascinating character to follow. The ghoul, initially cool, adds emotional depth to the sci-fi drama and conspiracy through his backstory. Maximus' story also adds complexity. I do wish we could have seen more of the ghoul's adventures, but it seems like we'll get that in the next season. The first season mainly focuses on Lucy and Maximus.

The premise of the show, revolving around a nuclear apocalypse and the conspiracies behind it, feels believable for a sci-fi setting. The contrast between the kind, loving nature of the vault and the violence and moral ambiguity on the surface provides an interesting balance. While I personally would've loved darker themes, the show's lighter tone isn't necessarily a flaw; it's just a matter of my personal preference. Overall, it's a fun series, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
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