Review of Hotel

Hotel (2004)
Insultingly bad
30 April 2024
This film is 100% mood and 0% narration. And that don't work. Now, of course, one can argue that a narrative of sorts exists, but it is deliberately confusing. Things happen for apparently no reason or without proper context, only to never be explained. We literally have no idea what is going on, if anything. Bizarre things happen, and then we get no explanation why, and they seem to have no bearing on the minimalistic plot. As expected, the film ends with zero payoff and zero explanation, with a lazy anticlimax one could predict with ease. As for the horror, it is completely absent. The film seeks to make you feel uneasy, in part by not letting you know what is going on or where the strange events might lead to, but as soon as you as the viewer recognize the pattern, you will rightfully feel cheated and turn your back on a film that scores cheap shots while never doing what you want it to do - namely tell you a story that is worth watching and that one can make sense out of.

A low budget experiment that went awry.
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